3D Printing Resources

Below you will find some good sites for 3D Printing help and files.

We are not affiliated with any of these and are not responsible for any recommendations or any problems you may encounter.

File Repositories

These are some great places to get files to print at home. Some are free, some cost money. Note: A lot of these are not usable for sale, only for home use. Check licensing for each file.


Probably the largest site for free files for printing. Lots of good files for just about any need.

My Mini Factory

Lots of free and paid models.


Great site for lots of files.

Some free, some paid.

3D Files Search Engine

Probably the best search site for 3D Files.

Some May not be for printing (these are for game/design work).

Both free and paid files show up.

Printer Manufacturers

Here are some well known manufacturers. 


Creality3D has some great printers at low cost.


Makers of some of the best FDM and resin printers


Very well regarded brand of FDM and resin printers


Great printers, owns Thingiverse. Great community.